The base data for Record Grouping is generally the geographic origin of the record and/or the record author.
I am not exactly following a traditional geographic classification, instead, I am using one that is more related to how I built the starting collection.
I am not exactly following a traditional geographic classification, instead, I am using one that is more related to how I built the starting collection.
Manila is usually my take off point as my person and practice is rooted here. Manila is anything that happens within Metro Manila and its immediate neighbouring provinces (like Rizal to the East, Cavite to the South, and Bulacan to the North… (to the West, well there’s where the controversial and much contested sea). Including neighbouring provinces reflects my claim that the network of practice does not exactly follow political boundaries (i'll try to write an explainer for this point in the future moons).
Manila may also contain activities of artists who are rooted from Manila but do projects elsewhere. For example, if a Manila artist produce an album in Hong Kong, the entry will be under Manila, not under Project Glocal Asia.
Manila may also contain activities of artists who are rooted from Manila but do projects elsewhere. For example, if a Manila artist produce an album in Hong Kong, the entry will be under Manila, not under Project Glocal Asia.
Philippines pertains to the rest of the cities in the country, with specific identification of the city where the author of the records belong or where projects happened. For example, if noise artists from Dumaguete performs in Davao, the record will be identified to belong to Dumaguete. In the future occasion that I get substantial data from one province (for example: if I get to collect 10 materials from Dumaguete), I will make its own Record Group.
Project Glocal Asia is the offshoot of my first curatorial platform. What belongs here are countries from Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the “conveniently Southeast Asia” (technically East Asia): Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. In the future occasion that I get substantial data from one country (for example: if I get to collect 30 materials from Hong Kong), I will make its own Record Group.
Asia will be the place for records gathered from all other cities in Asia.
Beyond Asia will be the place for records gathered from all other cities in continents other than Asia.
I am still within the inter-Asia framework, a hangover or something I inherited from the graduate school (aka big school).